Post-journey integration Guide for None ordireny state of conuioness
Part 1
Welcome to the first part of the Immediate Integration Guide. The guide is divided into two parts, aimed at guiding participants through the eight dimensions of integration. Each dimension requires unique processing that can be done in various ways. It's important to emphasize that there is no right or wrong here, just tips and recommendations for collaborative actions that enable effective processing between the different dimensions and a smooth landing after the journey.
In this guide, we wiIn this guide, we will navigate through the physical/somatic, cognitive, emotional and time dimensions ๐ŸŒฑ
Post-journey integration Part 2
The 8 Dimensions
















The physical/somatic dimension

Sleep โ€” allocating time for relaxation โ€” recharging batteries
The brain undergoes crucial chemical cleansing during sleep, aiding the body and systems to return to balance.

Hydration, Nutrition
Drink mineral-rich water.
Emphasize unprocessed food, preferably direct plant-based food after the experience.
Tip: You can add a bit of Himalayan salt to a glass of water to replenish minerals.

Walking, dancing, yoga - any movement that seeks expression helps release energy leftover from the journey.

Immersing in natural water sources, as well as baths and showers, for cleansing the body, mind, and energy.
If there's emotional overflow, a shower helps restore balance.

Sense of abundance
To cultivate a sense of well-being - pamper yourself with things you love, nourish your soul, and create a feeling of abundance.
Prepare your favorite tea, create a cozy and indulgent space to return to, etc.'

Pleasant Aromas
Expose yourself to scents that make you feel good, burn incense, etc.

Relaxing music
Prepare a playlist for landing: calming music with a gentle rhythm that will help you relax.
Share here the playlist I prepared on Spotify.

To enter into stillness
Sit quietly with yourself, with your feelings and thoughts, without any action for a period of time. Don't speak, don't engage in anything, just be and allow things to be and float without trying to change them.

Cognitive/Emotional Processing
Finding meaning
Expression from the inner world to the outer world - helps remember/preserve the experience over time and give it emotional expression. Exploring the experience from the inner world and creating additional meaning.

Artistic expression
Any expression coming from the inner world outward, creating visual encouragement for the experience. Assists in remembering the experience in another dimension of perception and can help release energy and emotions that have accumulated from the experience.

Soul Collage (Seena Frost)
Constructing collages is a wonderful tool for processing emotions. They create a map of experiences that can recall and process the experience you've undergone.

When we write, we each have a clean canvas that helps process thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Tarot Cards
Tarot cards can provide an open reflection of our inner world. It's a nice tool, but it's important not to rely too much on these interpretations to help ourselves reach insights.

Sand or clay play
Playing with soft material helps us engage in emotional and somatic processing. It can help decompose and process emotions and transfer information between different brain regions.

Drawing and painting by touch
Taking colors and painting or writing with hands-on contact. It allows for a direct connection between our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, facilitating a deeper understanding and processing of experiences.

Working in sculpture after an experience can create a sense of security and healthy emotional engagement.

Dream Work
During transformative experiences, we often find ourselves in a state between wakefulness and dreams. Engaging with our dreams can help deepen our understanding from the journey and be a significant part of processing the information received during the journey.

Creating Mantras
Crafting your own mantra with emotional and energetic charge can remind you of the important lessons from the experience and recharge you whenever needed, serving as a reminder of the significant lesson formed.

It's important to dedicate and allocate ample time for activities, not just for filling space. These actions help us process various emotions and insights, leading us to a smooth landing after journeys.
To allow things to evolve and unfold over time, to facilitate a process of integration that is not active, by passively observing how the process develops and takes shape over time.
Working with the eight dimensions of integration, both in the short and long term, is a task that requires resilience, steadfastness of spirit, and skill in fostering continuous growth.
Mandalas - As Mantras
Mandalas can be found in many different cultures, such as Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and more. They can also be found in nature. Painting a mandala as a mantra of your experience can help stimulate the brain (transferring information between different brain regions) and improve memory of the experience. You can draw a mandala that reminds you of aspects of the experience, which can be very therapeutic. Then, use it as a mantra to remind yourself of the important things you've taken from the experience. Their memory can change over time, as time passes or when you need relief in distress. It's also a simple and effective way to remind yourself and draw energy from the energetic body you've developed, from which you can always draw energy.
About me
Nevo Shoulian - Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Specialist
A life-changing experience initiated an incredible journey into the unknown for me, This led me to actively explore consciousness. Over the years, I have undergone diverse training in various shamanic cultures around the world, such as shamanic dietas ,Iboga initiation, and combined this with Western psychological knowledge from the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service (ICEERS).
Approach to integration
During non-ordinary states of consciousness, we enter a dimension of infinite potential, where we are exposed to a vast amount of information in a very short period with little control over its nature or quantity. These experiences alter our internal landscape and shape our external reality. That is why integration is essential for transforming powerful experiences into meaningful, sustainable growth.
The integration process involves exploring eight dimensions: somatic, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, spiritual, and energetic. This process allows us to embody all the information and energy cultivated from the experience into our daily lives.
In many traditions, a fundamental lesson of plant medicine is the realization that we are the medicine, meaning we possess the inherent power to heal ourselves. My core value is that through the integration process, we follow this wisdom so that, by its conclusion, you will have developed the tools and knowledge to heal yourself and thrive, regardless of the nature of your experienceโ€”be it life-changing, challenging, or both.
Recognizing that every individual is a unique universe, each integration process is tailored to meet the specific needs of each person, considering their current path and the growth required from the lessons learned during their journey.
I invite you to embark on a new process - for scheduling and contact details, please see below.

Psychedelics Integration

Nevo Shoulian | Psychedelic Integration Coach in Rishpon, Israel

Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Specialist, Nevo Shoulian offers online psychedelic integration coaching.

Ways to get in touch
A quiet WhatsApp group for updates and guides

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This information is for entertainment and educational purposes and does not encourage the use of any substances. By reading this, you are accepting that it is your responsibility what you do with the information provided.
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