Post-journey integration Guide for None ordireny state of conuioness
Part 2
Welcome to the first part of the Immediate Integration Guide. The guide is divided into two parts, aimed at guiding participants through the eight dimensions of integration. Each dimension requires unique processing that can be done in various ways. It's important to emphasize that there is no right or wrong here, just tips and recommendations for collaborative actions that enable effective processing between the different dimensions and a smooth landing after the journey.
In this guide, we will navigate through the social, behavioral, Time, spiritual, and energetic dimensions 🍃
, temporal, social, , cognitive, and physical/somatic.
Post-journey integration Part 1
The 8 Dimensions
















The Social Dimension
The social dimension serves as a key tool in understanding our inner background, creating deep connections, and fostering both self- and social closeness.
"How, what, and who shares
We emphasize sharing experiences with people who are willing and able to accept us in a safe place without judgment, analysis, or interpretation. Sharing experiences with people who do not understand the depth and nuances of these experiences may lead to feelings of emptiness and emotional harm. The magic is yours; it is your choice with whom to share it.
Sharing Circles
Sharing and listening can help us create deep processing by:
Listening - to someone else, it can help raise and reflect things within ourselves.
Sharing - the act of sharing itself helps to break down emotional barriers, connect points on cognitive, emotional, and conscious levels.
Sharing in couples
Pairing up can create a safe space and ensure emotional exposure and security. Sharing the experience is a complex and profound action, as sharing between pairs can help break down complex internal content that requires deep intimacy.

Creating New Habits
"Creating a New Habit Gradually and Mindfully"
Promoting a new habit incrementally, such as reading books, meditation, sports training, and other activities of interest. It is important to primarily act out of self-will, as an act of self-love.
Taking Action
It's important to avoid making quick decisions regarding life changes immediately after a journey. Whether it's a good idea or remains a good idea even after a week or a month. Often, the need for change is not yet particularly clear, and this understanding may change over time, with deep insights and experiential content processing, leading to a birth of new and balanced actions."
Routine Change
Small changes in routine can foster mental flexibility and pave the way for larger changes. By creating a new movement in our lives, we also enable new outcomes."

It's essential to devote sufficient time to these activities—they're more than just filling space. They assist us in processing a range of emotions and insights, facilitating a smooth transition and landing after journeys.

Spiritual & Energtic

Working with altars
Altars are places where you can work on integrating your experiences into everyday life, bridging spiritual insights with practical awareness, and helping you remember and connect to the spiritual connection revealed during the journey.

Connecting with nature
Connecting with nature provides relaxation and energetic nourishment, which can help achieve a sense of settlement and balance after a consciousness-altering journey.

Meditation after a psychedelic journey is important for several reasons:
  • Integration and Healing: Psychedelic experiences can evoke intense emotions and sensations. Meditation can help calm the mind and bring the soul to a state of peace and tranquility.
  • Focus and Concentration: Meditation can help you focus on the present moment and let go of thoughts and feelings of worry or frustration.
  • Connecting with the Experience: Meditation can assist you in shaping and reprocessing the experiences you had during the journey, leading to deeper understanding and emotional healing.
  • Setting Personal Goals and Development: During meditation, you can reflect on the lessons learned from the journey and how you want to continue to grow and develop from this experience.

Awareness around sexual energy
It greatly depends on the nature of the experience, and the type of substance, and varies between men and women.
If it is important to emphasize, keep in mind that we are very sensitive; so pay attention to who we are allowing into our field. Moreover, preserving sexual energy in men (i.e., ejaculation) after consciousness-altering journeys can be vital, but it greatly depends on the nature of the experience, the context, and the type of plant or substance you are working with.

Working with elements
Connection with the elements is important because they are part of our natural environment and directly affect human life. In the natural environment, the elements represent the fundamental forces of creation and life, and connecting with them can bring a sense of deep and meaningful connection with the world around us. Additionally, during a psychedelic journey, the elements may appear in visual or experiential forms, and focusing on them can help us concentrate and heighten our awareness of the present experiences and learn from them.

Align with your highest truth
After returning from a ceremony, we may experience deep insights about ourselves and the world. It is important to align our behavior and decisions with the new frequency established during the journey by clearing old patterns and connecting to our higher truth (some call it the Higher Self). If we are not in alignment with our highest truth, we may feel energetically drained and encounter resistance.

Creating ceremonies with a structure to which we assign specific meaning for connection, processing, and deepening...
For example: getting up at sunrise for a week, sitting in front of a fire and offering a prayer, gratitude ceremonies, etc.

Awareness of Energetic Sensitivity
When we undergo consciousness-altering journeys, our energetic field can open up, and we begin to internalize what is called "subtle energies." This means that we can perceive and feel more of the movement around us. It is very important to be mindful of the space we enter after the journey and the energy we allow into our surroundings, to which we are sensitive.

What is a healthy integration process?
There are many different expressions from various traditions such as "a tree that grows to the height of the sky while its roots sink deep into the earth" or "feet on the ground and eyes on the stars." In the Hermetic tradition, it is said "as above, so below".A well-integrated psychedelic experience suggests a combined and ongoing contact with everyday reality, as well as evolution and transcendence toward higher realms. An important aspect to consider during integration is that the knowledge acquired can be embodied and integrated into consciousness, ensuring it doesn't remain fickle and isolated. In cases of lack of grounding, we can observe negative effects such as spiritual bypassing, ego inflation, and other pathological expressions.
Important to remember!
🌀It is important to dedicate and allocate a substantial amount of time for activities.🌀

🌀Sting - creating a space and environment suitable for activities, to prepare diverse and sufficient materials available before the experience, such as enough colors, brushes, a quiet sleeping area, healthy food, etc.

🌀Being aware of which social interaction you're returning to, giving importance to these activities - it's not just an act to fill the space.
🌀Returning to a clean and organized area (tidying up beforehand).
🌀Key concepts - beauty, abundance, generosity, joy, playfulness, inquiry.
About me
Nevo Shoulian - Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Specialist
A life-changing experience initiated an incredible journey into the unknown for me, This led me to actively explore consciousness. Over the years, I have undergone diverse training in various shamanic cultures around the world, such as shamanic dietas ,Iboga initiation, and combined this with Western psychological knowledge from the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service (ICEERS).
Approach to integration
During non-ordinary states of consciousness, we enter a dimension of infinite potential, where we are exposed to a vast amount of information in a very short period with little control over its nature or quantity. These experiences alter our internal landscape and shape our external reality. That is why integration is essential for transforming powerful experiences into meaningful, sustainable growth.
The integration process involves exploring eight dimensions: somatic, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, spiritual, and energetic. This process allows us to embody all the information and energy cultivated from the experience into our daily lives.
In many traditions, a fundamental lesson of plant medicine is the realization that we are the medicine, meaning we possess the inherent power to heal ourselves. My core value is that through the integration process, we follow this wisdom so that, by its conclusion, you will have developed the tools and knowledge to heal yourself and thrive, regardless of the nature of your experience—be it life-changing, challenging, or both.
Recognizing that every individual is a unique universe, each integration process is tailored to meet the specific needs of each person, considering their current path and the growth required from the lessons learned during their journey.
I invite you to embark on a new process - for scheduling and contact details, please see below.

Psychedelics Integration

Nevo Shoulian | Psychedelic Integration Coach in Rishpon, Israel

Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Specialist, Nevo Shoulian offers online psychedelic integration coaching.

Ways to get in touch
A quiet WhatsApp group for updates and guides

אינטגרציה לחוויית משנות תודעה - עדכונים

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This information is for entertainment and educational purposes and does not encourage the use of any substances. By reading this, you are accepting that it is your responsibility what you do with the information provided.
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